2008. november 16., vasárnap

Pretend for IF

I don't know if I have to explain, this snake pretends to be a flower... he's silly. And the butterflies are rightfully angry.
Ez a bolond kígyó virágnak tetteti magát, a pillangók arckifejezése dühös, jogosan.

7 megjegyzés:

Sónia Cântara írta...

Ehehehee! Very funny! Great idea!

Distressing Delilah a.k.a. jenn írta...


INDIGENE írta...

Lol! Hmmm...I can't imagine the kind of honey that would produce! Clever idea!


Pamutmamut írta...

Thanks :)

flower girl írta...

Sweet and lovely work =)

Toñito Avalos írta...

Great illustration!


Carli írta...

great imagination. i love it

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