2009. május 24., vasárnap

Cracked town- for IF

I hate this scanner! I spent more time adjusting the colors than painting - and still couldn't achieve the same colors as on the paper. On paper it's much better, I tell you :) This is for my 19 months old son, because he is crazy about cars (or anything that has wheels) and flying things.

Ez az utálatos szkenner elrontotta az összhatást, de mindegy, nem pepecselek vele többet. Élőben sokkal jobb, mindenesetre ez a bolondos város. Remélem a cracked azt is jelenti, amire gondolok... És ez ajándék Mirrmurrnak, aki imádja az autókat meg a repülő dolgokat.

6 megjegyzés:

Momo írta...

These colours still do look attractive. A very fun and exciting scene.

Sandra írta...

These colours please me much, but I understand you, bc I have the same problem with my scanner! I like this scene, perfect for a little boy!

Diane Smith írta...

How precious is motherhood and everything that goes along with it! Looks great! My scanner isn't hooked up and I use a digital camera for everything. I don't know - sounds like maybe I should stick with the camera and forget the scanner.

nello írta...

The colors look fantastic! It's interesting to hear your view, because I often feel the same way, and yet to someone who hasn't seen the original, these colors still look really alive and lovely. Great illo!

yoon see írta...

Beautiful colours and creative composition of these little details!

Névtelen írta...

I guess the word you're looking for is not cracked but wacky...

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