2009. július 25., szombat

Idle - for IF

No wonder this little bug is so idle, it's been so hot in the last few days.
Azt hiszem a kánikula miatt lehet, hogy ez a kis bogár ilyen lustán henyél. Bárcsak én is...

8 megjegyzés:

Pat írta...

I really like this...especially the color combo. Nice.

steve írta...

beautifully done!

Nicola írta...

Love your little bug, he looks very comfortable! Love the lines and the movement in your work!

pretty day írta...

This is so cute! Very sweet! I like the rest of your art on your blog as well.

nella gatica írta...

thank you for your coment! your style is great too!

Shirley írta...

I love the position of your character here..beautifully done!

Unknown írta...

so so sweet! x

Pamutmamut írta...

Thank you all for your nice comments :))

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